Tag Archives: god

Nature and God

27 Jan

Nature makes my heart sing! These pictures are of two giant trees at St. Mary-of-the-Woods, near Terre Haute, IN. I felt so wonderfully small and young as I stood under them and looked up. I feel closet to God when I am in the beauty that is nature. I can’t help but think that The Sisters of Providence kept that in mind when they built here.

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Anywhere My Feet Go

Anywhere my feet go there I am. Day to day life taken from a slightly different perspective.

Suzie Speaks

The Adventures Of a Thirty-Something Life


Alternative Photography by Yvonni

The ancient eavesdropper

Nature's nuances in a nutshell

Adventures in Polishland

Your Guide to Fabulous & Affordable Nails

M&J Blog

New photographer and long time writer, so the blog will be a hodge-podge of both.

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1001 Scribbles

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Ed Mooney Photography

The official blog of Ed Mooney Photography. Dad of 3, Photographer, Blogger, Powerlifter. Exploring the historical sites of Ireland.

Polish Me, Please!

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Kurt Rees


In Flow with Otto

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about women who do amazing things


photos in and around, here and there

Book Quotes Hub

Book Quotes - The most amazing and unique quotes from books are being shared here daily

Robert Ring

Pieces of Me

boy with a hat

writing as a way of life

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Parenting And Stuff

Not a "how to be a great parent" blog